A Simple Note Taking Web App
A Simple Note Taking Web App
What is the project all about?
- Take notes easily and tag them with different tags
- Search saved notes easily using tags
- Basic functionalities like create, delete, search, modified and timestamps
Wanna try this app? Visit: http://omkarpathak27.pythonanywhere.com/
- Simple Web application, easy to use and very easy to deploy locally
- Written in simple Python. Even a beginner Python developer can contribute to this
- Support for SQLite, so you can easily play with it
- REST API for retrieving data easily
Creating a new note
Simple innterface with live preview and markdown support

Viewing a note
Edit box provided to simply edit the note

Adding a tag

You can click on any tag to see all notes tagged under that tag

Profile Settings
Profile settings to see user details, change email and see notes and tags saved by particular user 
Source Code: Github